Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 320: Four Months Walking!

Today marks four months since I got rid of my house chair and have been walking with a walker!

I know that I set a new goal and then kind of dropped off the face of the Earth, but I have been dealing with everything that comes along with walking versus using a chair, and life in general.  I got sick of hearing myself talk, and just haven't been able to come up with anything to say.  Maybe that's what writer's block feels like?

But, I figured today I should say something since it's the four-month mark. 

I think I'm going to take down the newest goal and give myself a break until the new year.  With everything that is going on in my life right now, it just adds too much pressure.

After four months of walking, I definitely see improvements, although small and slow-going.  Every time I feel like I'm taking two steps forward and four steps back, I remind myself that I spent 12 years in a wheelchair and it's going to take some time.  I can't help but be impatient sometimes.

So, here's to four months!  Hopefully in four more months I'll have something significant to say.


  1. Congrats..You have persevered and are doing great..Keep it up!!!

  2. I came across your blog randomly, and being a medical student I know what you have been going through. Your story is inspiring, and I am glad you have taken the time to write about it.

    Congratulations and yes, NEVER GIVE UP!

  3. I know how you fell......litteraly.
