Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Love My Home

Since being back in the Arctic Circle, I have had to work harder than ever before.  The snow and ice makes walking so much more challenging, and so much more rewarding, all at the same time.  It has been an adventure, to say the least, and one that is making me stronger and happier than ever before!

Walking in snow, when you are as challenged as I am, is like walking in sand.  Every step is not only more difficult, but more challenging to my balance muscles so that I don't slip and fall. 

On top of the added challenges outside my home, I live in a half-underground apartment which requires me to climb up and down six steps whenever I go in and out.  That is just another obstacle that is making me stronger.

All in all, I am happy to be home, happy to be more challenged, and just happy in general!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon!
    You are a very gutsy woman! When I was 6 yrs. old, I had a spinal fusion. I didn't understand much of what was happening, but when I awoke, a nurse told me I would not be allowed to walk for several months. I guess my parents didn't want to scare me. I remember being home, months later, in a cast, and not in bed anymore. But I was scared, and recall holding onto things as I walked for a long time. Now I'm in my 50's, and much more can be done for scoliosis. But since it was so long you were unable to walk, I would think your body would need a long time to adjust. Your journey is very inspirational, and I wish you the best. I have a blog on here too, and was passing through. I am glad you are home and feeling happier.
