Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Almost 7 years ago I made a very big cross-country move. After doing so, my health declined and I was unable to work once again. At the time I didn't know it, but I later learned I had a 4-pound tumor in my uterus along with other smaller tumors. This all led to my having a hysterectomy. During all of this, my finances were less than ideal and it was difficult for me to even put food in the house. My daughter was a teenager in high school and I could barely take care of her. After seeing Montel Williams' commercial with the single mom whose power gets shut off and she subsequently receives a pay day loan from Cash Net USA, I'll admit I got sucked in and applied. Because of my credit (I assume) I was turned down. The only thing on my credit at that time were medical bills (and I monitor my credit constantly as I've been working on fixing it). I NEVER RECEIVED A LOAN FROM THEM OR ANYONE!

Fast forward a couple of years and my brother calls me and tells me that someone called him stating I had used him as a reference for a pay day loan (this never happened, I never used him as a reference for anything). They told him I owed almost a thousand dollars and I still had not even made a payment. None of this was true. They somehow got access to other relatives phone numbers and called them as well, telling them the same story. I owed money, etc. A few of my relatives even offered to loan me the money to pay it off, and I had to assure them that I didn't owe anyone anything, but they thought I did! If that wasn't embarrassing enough, they then began calling my cell phone and leaving threatening messages stating this was my last chance, they would be submitting this to the courts, and they would always end these threatening messages with "good luck" in a very snide and insincere tone.

Finally, I called one of the numbers who had been calling me and my family and I reached what sounded like someone's home. I asked for the woman who had been calling and leaving her name, and I was put "on hold" while he "transferred" me. What this actually sounded like was him putting the phone down and yelling for his cohort in this obnoxious scam. When she came to the phone, she was very rude, sounded like she was hiding in a bathroom, and told me I owed nearly a thousand dollars to Cash Net USA for a pay day loan I had taken out in 2007. First of all, I applied for this loan in 2011. Secondly, I NEVER RECEIVED A PENNY FROM ANYONE!

I purposely asked her a lot of questions like the exact amount I supposedly owed, her name and how to spell it, where she had gotten all of my information (she claims from the loan application she says I received and never paid). I told her I would be contacting the FCC because this is fraudulent activity and I wouldn't stand for it. She began yelling at the top of her voice telling me to go ahead and contact the FCC or the FBI, they will see this debt that I owe and I'll be in trouble. Knowing this was not true, I was not the least bit fearful and I hung up the phone in the middle of her yelling rant.

I got on the internet immediately and began researching how to report fraud. I submitted all of the information I had gotten from her to the FCC website, including all of the phone numbers they had called me or my family from. After that, the calls stopped for a while. At least the threatening ones did.

Since that ONE TIME I applied for a pay day loan through what I THOUGHT was a reputable company, I have received hundreds of phone calls that leave voicemails telling me I am eligible to receive (enter amount here) directly to my bank account within 24 hours. Or I get text messages saying similar things. I have blocked every number and reported every text as spam but they just create new numbers.

My advice to anyone considering applying for a loan through Cash Net USA or their affiliates, DON'T!! I was a single mother who fell on hard times and needed a boost, and all I got was harassed for YEARS. They not only harassed me, but my family as well, which then created chaos within my family that I had done something shady when I had not. In fact, by the time they began calling my family I was already working again and paying off the medical debts which were the ONLY debts I had.

Cash Net USA, Montel Williams and anyone or any company affiliated with them are nothing but fraud!! BEWARE!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Cable and Shell Crochet Blanket Free Pattern

Working on this masterpiece today. It already weighs about 15 pounds and it's only about 1/4 done! But, the whole point is for it to be a heavy, weighted blanket for my daughter and her family.

The free pattern is available here:

I am using Lion Brand Hometown USA super bulky in Napa Valley Pinot with a size N/15 10mm hook.
I should also probably add that one skein only does about two rows when using the yarn and hook I'm using, so when all said and done this will be a very expensive blanket.