Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6

I woke up feeling a little tired, a lot sore, and a lot sluggish - and I had only gotten 100 steps in yesterday. It always takes my legs an hour at least to "unclench"... for lack of a better term. They get tight, and in the morning don't even want to bend. So I slothed around making my coffee, letting the dog out, feeding the fish, until I finally sat down at my computer to start the day.

And then I watched the video below.

Someone following my blog sent me that video, and after watching it I was bawling like a little baby. That video is a very real reminder that there are others with a much bigger struggle ahead of them, and a much bigger fight in them. I am positively blown away. The courage and determination they possess -- there just aren't enough words to describe it. I have been where they are, much worse than I am now, so I know what it takes to get up and do something like that in front of so many people. I know where that drive comes from, and somewhere along the way I forgot. Seeing those brave souls has brought it all back. What am I doing sitting here when I could be up walking around? Is it difficult, yes, is it possible, YES, should I be doing it every single day without question, HELL YES!

Even when you feel like you're doing all you can and working hard, something comes along to make you feel like you could be doing so much more. That video did it for me.

Update: 2:19 P.M.

After doing my dishes and things I haven't quite figured out how to do without the chair yet, I ditched the chair for the walker, put my walking shoes on, and have been walking ever since. This should be a big step-count day!

Update: 5:21 P.M.

Well, thanks to a wonderful and giving young woman, I am now the proud owner of a Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer. Now instead of constantly counting my steps in my head I can concentrate more on walking and let the pedometer do the counting for me! Thanks Wendy!!

So I did quite a bit of walking today. After ditching my chair and forcing myself to use the walker, I really was able to get a lot of good steps in, and I was even able to do some standing for 5 or 10 minutes while doing dishes or just cleaning up a bit. It really felt good to walk so much and I can feel my legs getting stronger.

Step count today: 397
98,896 to go

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