Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 235: Progress; Bewildering

I have been catching myself standing and doing things I never would have thought I would be doing so soon after dumping the house chair.  I came home from the grocery store and just started bending over picking up groceries and putting them away;  then I thought, "whoa..."!  My brain is finally remembering I have legs, and it's allowing me to use them beyond just dragging underneath me to go places, and then sit.

I still walk very, very slow, but whenever I feel like I'm at a stale mate, I remind myself that it really has only been a few short weeks that I've been completely without wheels.  Before my trip I was using my house chair on a regular basis and only using the walker to get some steps in each day.  Now... all I do is walk.  I have no chair to slide over into and wheel where I need to go.  It's actualy quite amazing how far I've come.  There may just be hope for me yet!

I still kind of feel like I'm going backwards when I have to use my outside chair for trips to the store, so to combat this feeling I just think of it as keeping my arms in shape.  I earned the "buff" arms I now call my own, so I must keep them in shape somehow!

It just doesn't seem real that I may actually be walking all by my little self with no assistance someday!  Wow!

Step count today:  861

Steps I'm ahead:  3,320

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