Monday, August 19, 2013

Kind Words and Uplifting Encouragement

A while back, I came across a man who was walking across America.  He was featured on Yahoo! news, and I became a little obsessed with his blog for a while.  As I've explained to him, I experience such joy when I see people using their able bodies, and that is what drew me to him, and his story.  I commented on a few of his amazing photos, and also emailed him to share a little of my story and let him know I thought what he was doing was great.  Since then, we have emailed a few times back and forth, with quite a long while in between that we didn't communicate, until just recently he sent me a mail out of the blue just to say hi and give his regards. 

It's so wonderful when people you have never even met in real life come out of the woodwork just to say "Hello" and give you words of encouragement and praise.  Matt has informed me that he has a new appreciation for the struggle I have been going through, and he just wanted me to know that.  It's unfortunate that he had to experience a tragedy to see it, but it's so wonderful to me that he thinks of me and applies my struggle to situations in his own life.  I always strive to inspire anyone I can, and although Matt didn't need any inspiration from anyone, he uses it anyway to keep going.

Matt is an ambitious walker.  He does the very thing I struggle to do again, and he does it every single day to the fullest extent that he can.  Matt simply walks.  Simply probably isn't the right word to use there, but I'm using it anyway because it truly is a "simple" act until you are unable to do it anymore and you realize how much actually goes into walking.  Even standing isn't as "simple" as one might think.  It takes over 300 muscles just for the body to be able to stand and balance upright.  Most people go through their lives never knowing what truly goes into being able bodied, and that's great, I don't wish hardship on anyone, but I do enjoy nothing more than seeing someone use their abilities as best they know how.

Thank you, Matt.  You have inspired me, encouraged me, and given me strength.

Never Give Up

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