Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

I like the cold weather.  I was born in one of the coldest states in the country where actual temps drop well below zero and wind chills can freeze human skin within seconds.  I can take it, I'm a Viking. 

Today, however, my body just doesn't wanna. 

Things move slower when it's cold, including me.  My molecules aren't bouncing around as fast as they would on a normal warm Florida day, and it's slowing me down considerably. 

In contrast, my hometown is right around -35 degrees right now, and here in Florida it's around 35, but it's all relative.  When you go from 75-80 degree days and 50-60 degree nights to 50 degree days and 34 degree nights, it's quite a swing.  Thank goodness for my coffee to keep me warm and the constant reminder it could be much, much colder and the ground could be covered in ice and snow.

Speaking of the ground being covered in snow, I swear it could have just as well been yesterday with the amount of friction I was fighting against that broken caster.  My arms are still screaming at me.  I must get that fixed, but in the meantime while I save my pennies to do it, I will have to start using my good old reliable recumbent exercise bike again.  Then I will have no excuses why I can't get my walking in for the day.  I think if I had tried to walk yesterday my arms would have just gone limp in protest.  My legs were ready to go, but my triceps felt differently.  Walking puts a lot of strain on my shoulders and triceps, so I thought it best to not tax the only two limbs I have left beyond their breaking point.  I'll make up for the missed steps.

Getting back to the cold weather -- it's only supposed to get colder over the next few days.  The local farmer's are in a frenzy, staying up all hours of the night watching the temperature, ready to turn on the sprinklers as soon as it hits freezing to coat the precious strawberry crops in a blanket of protective ice.  Funny how the very thing that could totally ruin them is exactly what protects them this time of year.  Not only does the ice protect them from the freezing air, but it makes for a super sweet harvest in the coming weeks.  Yum.

Strawberry Shortcake here I come. 

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