Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 121

One third of the year is officially over.  In a way that's depressing, and in a way not.  I think I have come a long way in my fitness and strength in four months, but I am still struggling with the weight-loss issues.  Damn thyroid.

It's going to be 95 degrees here today.  HOT!  I just went out to water my garden and it's already sweltering outside, and it will only get hotter and more humid as the day moves on.  Tomorrow will be the same.

So, I am spending today inside working on my crawling and walking. 

Step count today:  500

Steps I'm behind:  6960

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, good job on the step count today. Makes me sad, they said on the news today there is a chance of snow in the coming week...95 sounds really nice right about now. Well not really I don't deal with the heat very well. Could do with around 80 though. Not really sure what 80 in Celsius is but it sounds nice.
