Thursday, February 4, 2016

Making A Murderer: Who's The Real Killer

One side effect of my latest health issues is I watch way too much TV.  When it's difficult to move around, and the last thing you want to do is feel more pain, and moving around means feeling pain, it leaves you with limited options.  I do love to crochet, but I even get sick of doing that after a while, so I turn to finding things on Netflix.

I had been seeing the ads for this show on my Facebook feed for a long time, so I decided to finally give Making A Murderer a try.  By the second episode, I was completely hooked.  I binge watched the entire season in one night, and woke up today and watched a few of the last episodes again to fully absorb what I thought I had watched the night before.

I am mortified.  I have officially added Wisconsin to my list of states I will never reside.  Corruption is everywhere, but the level of corruption I witnessed in this series is just plain gross -- for lack of a more sophisticated term.  I'm disgusted.  As I sat watching and shaking my head, I decided to start making some notes of thoughts I was having.  I have so many unanswered questions, I just don't even know where to begin.

Is anyone trying to find the real killer?  And if not, WHY isn't anyone trying to find the real killer? I am absolutely not convinced that Steven Avery is the real killer, so this leaves me wondering who really committed this crime.  Is anyone, from anywhere, digging deeper and trying in any way to figure out how this all really happened?

Why isn't more being done about the mistakes that were made, and the misbehavior of law enforcement during the search?  What about the misbehavior of Brendan Dassey's first appointed lawyer and his complete lack of concern for his client?  Why isn't more being done all across the board about the gross negligence that was obvious to a lay person such as myself?  Why isn't more being done about the abuse of power of the detectives who interrogated Brendan Dassey, and the way they quite obviously coerced him into saying the things he said?  How can one word answers legally be considered a full confession?  Why didn't the jury take more into consideration the fact that Brendan Dassey never actually said she was shot in the head?  That information was fed to him by the detectives during the interrogation, so it's not as if he knew that information and gave it to them. Why wasn't the fact that Steven Avery's fingerprints were nowhere to be found in or on the Toyota RAV 4 OR the key made more of an issue? How does someone get blood in a vehicle, without also getting their finger prints on/in the vehicle?  How does a key that's been used by the owner of the vehicle not have one piece of her DNA, but has DNA from the supposed killer?  Why weren't all of these issues made into a bigger deal during the trial?  What about the fact that there was never any of the victim's blood found inside his trailer or anywhere else on the property besides inside her own SUV?  I don't have personal experience in this matter, but I've watched enough documentaries to know that if you slit someone's throat, as Steven Avery supposedly did, and then stab them, there's going to be a ton of blood going everywhere.  They didn't find a single drop?  How is that even possible unless it never actually happened?

I'm completely shocked at the thought that we can go in front of 12 of our peers and they will take the word of police and lawyers so strongly to heart that they will believe anything they say, and not once take a deeper look into the interrogation techniques used against Brendan Dassey, or cause a bigger stink about Manitowoc county sheriff's department being involved in the search when it was stated in a press conference that they would not be involved.  On top of all of that, why wasn't a deeper look taken at all of the other above mentioned issues?  How can you slit someone's throat and stab them and not have even one tiny drop of blood found at the scene, anywhere?  How is that possible?  Why didn't the jury take that into more of a consideration?  How can seven people initially vote not-guilty, and then end up deciding he's guilty?  Seven!  Why is an innocent man serving a life sentence for something he didn't do, and a killer is still out there?  Just, why?

I've been interrogated by police before when I was just 21 years old, and even then I was petrified of them.  They got into my head and had me confused and wondering what the truth really was, and I consider myself to be fairly intelligent, and I was 21, not 16 years old like Brendan Dassey.  This poor kid was railroaded by a bunch of bullies in higher power who knew they could break him down and mold a story that would get a conviction for Steven Avery.  He was collateral damage for the big win, and now he's in prison doing time because he was a confused young man who thought if he said whatever they wanted to hear that they would protect him and let him go home.  That's disgusting.

Another side effect of my illness and all I've been through is I have kind of an uncanny ability to read people very well.  I can pretty much tell when someone is lying or when someone is being genuine, and I can say without a doubt in my mind that both Brendan Dassey and Steven Avery are both genuine people, and so is the rest of that family.  They don't try to hide who they are or be something better or different.  They're real, hard-working people who just wanted their little slice of life and to be left alone to live that life.  The officials in this case, on the other hand, are not genuine people, and I saw so much deception and dishonesty throughout -- from their depositions for the lawsuit, to their testimonies on the stand at the trials -- that it made me physically sick to watch.  I have a pit in my stomach that people in those positions of authority can get away with lying under oath and nothing is done about it.  Nobody is taking a harder look at those deceptions.  None of them are being punished for being dishonest and perjuring themselves in a court of law.  So, I guess the law only applies to us lowly citizens?  We are the only ones who are forced to abide by laws and moral obligations to our families and our communities?  What kind of double standard is that?

Now I fully understand that I don't really know the entire case, I only know what I saw on the show Making A Murderer, but I do know that just by what I've seen on the show as far as the deception I can clearly see, and things that appear to not have been addressed more fully, there should be more done about these cases, and cases in the future.  We need to be protected.  Life is already unfair enough without the threat that someone can accuse you of something, plant evidence, make it look like you did it, and you can go to prison for the rest of your life because 12 people believed it being added to the mix.

I wish there was more that I could do.  I feel like going on my own personal crusade to help these two men, and if I had the resources and the physical ability to do so, I would.  I would start with trying to find out who's the real killer.  Who actually took Teresa Halbach's life?

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