Saturday, September 5, 2009

Today - Saturday, September 5, 2009

Today I awoke very sore from yesterday.  Yesterday I climbed my bridge at my favorite park.  This bridge crosses the creek that runs through the expanse of the park.  Heading South the bridge has three wooden ramps which lead to an arch at the very top of the bridge.  Heading North in the opposite direction there are four wooden ramps.  The first time I attempted to climb this bridge, using just the hand rail and a crutch in my other hand, I was barely able to climb the first ramp before I was completely out of gas and had to sit down.  I didn't feel I had it in me to attempt any more that day.  The second time I climbed it I was able to do one more ramp, for a total of two, and the third time three ramps total. Finally, about two weeks later, I returned to my personal Mount Everest and I was able to climb to the top on both sides, first climbing the side that heads south, and then using my chair to wheel the trail, subsequently returning to climb the side that heads north, all the way to the top, for a total of seven ramps. 

Now, yesterday, about two weeks since the last time I climbed my seven ramps, I returned yet again to my Mount Everest and climbed the whole bridge again, this time much more quickly and with less effort than any other time before.  This just goes to show what sheer determination will get you.

Today I washed my truck.  Usually I will wash it in my wheelchair, standing only to hit the high points, but using the chair the entire time.  Today I washed it using my walker.  I have a walker with a little seat on it so I can sit when I get tired, so I would wash a large section, sit for a second to rinse it, and then continue on washing the rest.  I washed the whole truck this way only using the chair for the real low points that are too hard to bend down to reach.

I am making progress by leaps and bounds.  Something I NEVER thought was possible.  It's so wonderful it doesn't even seem real.

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