Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Julie & Julia

I have found new inspiration in the movie "Julie & Julia". I had no idea that I share the same birthday (August 15) with Julia Child. I knew she was tall, like me, but unlike me at 6' tall, Julia was 6'2". She also died 2 days before her 92nd birthday on August 13, 2004 which I find both very sad and quite odd. I wonder if she was trying to hold on until her birthday?

Unfortunately for my figure, I also share Julia Child's love of food. She moved to France with her husband and in trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life - besides be a housewife - she realized how much she loved food and that there were no French cookbooks written in English. Subsequently, the legend of Julia Child was born.

Across the pond in New York a young woman was struggling with a similar delimma and decided to go through Julia Child's cookbook in one year and blog about it... sparking my interest in doing something similar but with my walking.

Julie sets a goal for herself because she admits to being terrible at finishing things. Perhaps since we are starting a new year I need to set a similar goal for myself. The question is... what should that goal be? Julie's goal is 572 Julia Child recipes in 365 days. Maybe I should strive for 100,000 steps in 365 days? That works out to be an average of 274 steps per day. I should be able to manage that, barring any other injuries, without a problem. And of course, while I'm struggling to meet this goal I will be blogging about it.

Wish me luck, time starts ticking January 1, 2010.

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